Utah SHARP Web Tool

Using the Utah SHARP Web Tool

The SHARP Web Tool provides access to youth survey data collected through the Utah Student Health and Risk Prevention (SHARP) Survey that may be useful for planning and evaluating substance abuse prevention and health promotion activities at the state and community levels throughout Utah. The data are presented through a variety of topically organized “profiles,” including data related to: substance use, anti-social behaviors, protective factors, risk factors, and mental health/treatment.

Viewing Category Data

The category data presentations allow users to examine several topically related variables in a single chart (e.g., variables of current substance use, risk factor variables, etc.). To navigate the category data presentations, follow the steps below:

1) Select a Category – Select a category topic from the Category drop down menu located on the Categories page. Once a category has been selected, the system will automatically present a state level category chart using the three most recent years of data available for the total sample for the state of Utah (all grades combined, and males and females).

2) Specify the Data Parameters for the Category – After choosing a category to view, a list of choice fields will appear above the category chart. These choice fields allow users to set specific parameters regarding the data that are presented in the category chart. Among the choices available include:

  • a. Category: Change to a different category report.
  • b. Year: Change to a different year of data. Default is most recent year of data available.
  • c. Chart: Present three years of data for each variable or most recent year only. Default is 3 years of data.
  • d. Region: Specify either state level data or one of the 13 (Local Substance Abuse Authority) regions in the state. Default is state level data.
  • e. Grade: Specify a particular grade (the SHARP is administered to grades 6, 8, 10 and 12). Default is all grades combined.

Reading the Category Charts

1) Chart Information: The title of the category chart provides information about the type of data being presented as well as a summary of the data parameters included.

2) Bars and Dots: Bars display the levels of each variable for the geographical area chosen. If region has been selected, the state value for each year is presented as a dot. This allows comparisons between the state and the region.

3) Data Table: Below the chart, users will find a table that presents all of the data points included in the chart. The data table can be exported to a spreadsheet by clicking on the “Export data” link located next to the table.

Single Variable Data View

In addition to the category data presentations, users can drill down on one variable in more detail by clicking on the variable name: a) within a category chart, or b) in the data table below the category chart. To navigate the single variable view presentations, follow the steps below:

1) Selecting a Variable – The single variable view chart will display the variable that was chosen from the category view. However, by using the Variable pull down menu above the chart, users can select any of the variables that were included in the category chart they were initially viewing.

2) Chart View – The single variable view will automatically present data by grade for the indictor chosen. This view displays trends over time for each grade as well as allowing comparisons across grades. By using the Chart View pull down menu, users can examine the variable by gender as well.

3) Region – By using the Region pull down menu, users can change the geographical area displayed.

4) Additional Controls – Using the controls located directly above the category chart on the left side, users can change visual aspects of the category or save and print the chart. For descriptions of the function of each button, please see bullet #4 in the “Reading the Category Charts” section of this document above.

5) Returning to the Category View – To return from the single variable view to the category chart presentations, simply click on the “return to category” link located directly next to the variable drop down box.