Oregon Student Health Survey (SHS) Data Portal

Getting Started

To get started accessing the data, there are two tabs at the top of the website that will take you to pages where the data are presented that will allow you to look at and analyze survey results in different ways.

A Variable is a data item or question asked in the survey and is any measurable attribute, characteristic or behavior that can be measured or counted. The Variables page allows you to look at the results of a specific question by itself. For instance, the Overall Health category on the Variables page allows you to look at how respondents answered each of the questions in the category one at a time.

Crosstabs is short for Cross Tabulations. The Crosstabs page allows you to look at the results of two questions at the same time to see if there is a relationship between the two questions by "crossing" the results. This provides a comparison of how different groups of respondents answered a particular question. For example, you can look at the results of alcohol use by whether or not respondents have been absent during the past month. It is important to remember that to get an accurate statewide or county estimate using the Crosstabs page, you need to cross the item of interest by Grade. For example, looking at alcohol use by Grade will give you the accurate statewide estimate for alcohol use for 6th, 8th and 11th grade; looking at alcohol use by another item or question, such as whether respondents have been absent during the past month, may give you slightly different estimates since not all respondents may have answered attendance question.

Notes on Multiple Response Questions

For questions where respondents could choose more than one answer, each response option is shown as a separate variable. No recoding was done to make responses mutually exclusive and sum to 100%. This means that a particular respondent could be included in multiple response categories. This provides more granular detail and makes smaller groups more visible by not lumping them into larger groups.

You will need to look at each response option separately to see the percentage that selected that particular response.

For example, respondents were able to select more than one race or ethnicity in the following question:

What is your race or ethnicity? You can choose more than one.
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Hispanic or Latino/a/x
  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
  • Middle Eastern
  • North African
  • White
  • Something else fits better (Please specify)
  • I am not sure
  • I don’t know what this question is asking
  • I prefer not to answer

You will need to select each response option (American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black of African American, etc.) separately to see the percentage that identified with each group.

Notes on Protecting Confidentiality

Some drop down choices may not be available due to a small number of participants. Currently, county data for any grade falling below 50 students will not be shown to protect respondent confidentiality. Additionally, demographic groups with fewer than 10 students will also not be shown.